Subterranea 2011
14 June 2011
IQ will be celebrating their 30th anniversary with a special two night event at the Boerderij in Zoetermeer, Holland on October 22nd and 23rd 2011.
Each night will feature a different set – one night will span their 30 year career and is sure to include some surprises and rare tracks. The other night will feature an entire full production performance of their double concept opus 'Subterranea' – the first time this has been performed in over 12 years.
Tickets for this special event are sure to go quickly – book early to avoid disappointment.
Tickets now on sale.

2011 News
01 January 2011
Welcome Neil
07 January 2011
John leaves IQ
14 January 2011
IQ30 - The 30th Anniversary Tour
14 January 2011
Welcome back Tim Esau
01 February 2011
Night Of The Prog 2011
21 May 2011
IQ30 UK Celebration Show
14 June 2011
Subterranea 2011
29 June 2011
07 September 2011